A Letter to Foscam users to ensure a continued access in Chrome

Write By: william3006836 Published In: ROOT Created Date: 2016-01-22 Hits: 2115 Comment: 0

A Letter to Foscam users to ensure a continued access in Chrome

Dear Foscam users,

Thank you for your continued interest and support for Foscam.
We are quite sorry to inform you that, Google has officially announced the Chrome browser will stop technical support for NPAPI (A requisite plug-in technology used by the browser to access the IP camera). So, since September of 2015, you can not use the current access to obtain Foscam IP cameras’ information in Chrome browser.


In this case, Foscam will develop and release a firmware of beta version. And models that can use this firmware involve FI9821P V2, FI9821EP, FI9831P V2, FI9826P V2, FI9853EP, FI9851P and Fosbaby. The firmware of beta version will be released soon.


After the release of the beta-version firmware, you can upgrade the firmware of your camera to continue using Chrome to access our IP products. However, the beta version can only help users achieve some of the functions, therefore, in order to obtain full functions support, we recommend you to use IE browser, Safari, Firefox to access.


Foscam will keep all the users informed as soon as the new firmware versions are updated to enable more models to support Chrome browser. Please pay your attention to Foscam website for the latest news. Again, thank you for your understanding and support, and deeply apologize for the inconvenience.


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